Teshie Nungua Estates Box TN 53, Accra, Ghana


+233 246 827 858

What We Do

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Campaign on Autism

The Afi Antonio Foundation (AAF) is dedicated to leading a comprehensive campaign on autism in Ghana. It is committed to raising awareness, fostering understanding, and advocating for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their families across the nation. Through a multifaceted approach, We organize workshops, educational programs, and public awareness campaigns to dispel misconceptions about autism and promote acceptance and inclusion. Additionally, they work closely with corperate bodies and local communities to improve access to vital resources and services for those affected by autism, ultimately striving to create a more inclusive and supportive society for individuals with autism in Ghana. Our tireless efforts serve as a beacon of hope, uniting individuals and communities in the fight for a brighter future for those living with autism in Ghana.

Get In Touch

Teshie Nungua Estates

Box TN 53, Accra, Ghana


+233 246 827 858

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