Teshie Nungua Estates Box TN 53, Accra, Ghana


+233 246 827 858

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Majority of the schools in rural areas have no access to electricity. After returning from school each day, many students spend the rest of the daylight hours helping their parents with agricultural or household tasks. By the time students are able to turn their attention to their studies, the sun has set. Most families therefore use candles or kerosene lamps for lighting their evenings. Children reading in the light of kerosene lamps are exposed to dangerous, toxic fumes. They get eye irritations, coughs and other severe pulmonary diseases – making homework significantly more challenging.

Our intervention as Afi Antonio Foundation was to provide solar lamp as the first step towards a sustainable future with better education, better health and more financial stability for the whole family. Thanks to all of our amazing donors and partners we have equipped over 1500 Junior High School students with solar lamps and provided solar education workshops to learn about the benefits of solar energy.

Get In Touch

Teshie Nungua Estates

Box TN 53, Accra, Ghana


+233 246 827 858

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