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Afi Antonio, The Ghanaian Philanthropist With The Solar4Girls Project And Another For Autistic Persons

Afi Antonio is a Ghanaian female philanthropist. Her humble beginnings spurred a raw determination to succeed and ignited an entrepreneurial flame. Afi’s journey into helping people started on Facebook and other social media platforms. Today, her non-profit organization, The Afi Antonio Foundation, provides assistance to people in the area of health, education and empowerment. Notable among the Foundation’s projects is the Solar4Girlsproject, a campaign aimed at providing solar lamps to final year Junior High school girls in off grid communities and villages without any form of electricity. The objective is to enable them to learn extra hours at night and also to stop the use of candles, lanterns and torchlights, which are fire hazards and harmful to their eyes. The Afi Antonio Foundation also received an urgent appeal to help raise $57,000 in funds for the surgery of a two-year-old Girl, who had a rare condition known as wardenburg syndrome, and helped raise funds to facilitate aspects of the surgery. One of the foundation’s key projects is educating and advocating for the inclusion of persons living with autism to participate in all aspects of society. She has trained three beautiful girls living with the condition to become photo models as evidence that living with autism does not mean one cannot function fully and that talents can be harnessed as a contribution to the development of society. Two years ago the BBC was present to cover the Foundation’s first ever Talent Show and photoshoot sessions and interviewed the founder.
Speaking to the CEO, Afi Antonio, she posited, “Surprisingly, no corporate institution has ever funded any activity of the foundation even though the foundation always reaches out to them. Everything the foundation has achieved came by way of utilizing social media to mobilize individual contributions.”
We are proud of Afi’s work and want to join thousands of her supporters in congratulating her for her efforts in impacting the lives of the underserved. Congratulations!


Date: 2023-10-17 11:01:53

Views: 1260

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